NaPoWriMo – Day Two

just beyond my pleading grasp
it lay
tempting my blank memory
ever elusive
I had seen it before
at that heightened moment
bewteen pain
giving life
the meaning of existence
only to instantly fade
a vague notion
on the periphery of my soul

the existential truth

Pastel on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2017

NaPoWriMo – day one

lying still
my head
sinks deeper
into the pillow

and it arrives

the buzzing
in my body
every extremity

to my core

then floating
an arm
a leg

a sudden pulling

sucked into a vortex
I am flying
escaping the earthbound anchor
that is my body

Astral Travel – Ink on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2017

The Torment


and I remember the wretched childhood
the unending moaning
from behind closed doors
as you mourned what was no longer

yet I was still there

I still am

yet the wretchedness lingers on
ignoring my existence
as though I too never was

but i was

and I still am

Dawn Whitehand Poem

Biro on Handmade Paper

Dawn Whitehand © 2017

A New Years Resolution

A New Years Resolution…

to smell warm eucalyptus and forthcoming rain
not the smoky black burden of fires ferocious aftermath

to listen to a gentle summer breeze rustle green leaves
not unseasonal winds wreaking havoc across the now barren land

to taste clean fresh water gurgling
not greedy corporate pollution running through my veins

to feel warm sun and green grass
not despair at the grisley cries of once bountiful Mother Nature dying

to gaze upward and outward
not inward where gloom grips the soul with an unending relentless grasp

My New Years Resolution….

Conte Sketch altered in Prisma

Conte Sketch altered in Prisma

© Dawn Whitehand 2017


the grey bare Earth shivered
a harsh scathing wind enveloping her
as icy rain lashed her naked body
silver tentacles spiralling upward
squeezing her vulnerable flesh

until finally erupting

and the grey bare Earth was no more

Pen on handmade paper

Pen on handmade paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2016


darkness seeps through these veins
my pounding heart an unlikely companion
invisible ceiling hovering
crushing my body
the absent tick tock of the clock
trawling through the long hours
dreamlessness a curse to my once stable mind
the sweet peace of sleep evading this restless soul
as I wait night after endless night

2016-08-03 18.46.08

© Dawn Whitehand

Playing with Words

I wrote a poem in my head today
but now my mind is completely dead
and I think back on it bleakly
hoping for that extra creative hit
even becoming unusually meditative
then it comes to me and I write furiously
my spirits to an even greater height
inspiration – the great inflater

Conte on Handmade Paper

Conte on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2016


A Mother’s Day Poem

do you miss the child we never had
that cheeky smile that never was
joyous shrieks of delight at new discoveries
pitter patter pitter patter of little feet
on the cold bare floor
that could have been warm and cozy

do you miss the sparkling sunshine
shining on her golden hair
that innocent trusting stare of clear blue eyes
gazing blankly at eternal nothingness
clap clap clap clap of chubby hands
excited beyond belief at what could have been

do you miss that little life denied by fate

our child that never was

Conte on Handmade Paper

Conte on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2016

Day 30 NaPoWriMo – Yay I Made It!

tiny pin pricks in my head
threatening an incision
feeling heavy as solid lead
struggling to make a decision
reluntantly clambering out of bed
barely with any forward vision
I start the day with bitter dread

Conte on Handmade Paper

Conte on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand


YAY! I made it through the month 🙂

I Remember – Day 29 NaPoWriMo

I remember the first time I saw poverty
a shrivelled old woman sitting hoveled, I remember

I remember the first time I felt hungry
a calculator in hand at the supermarket, I remember

I remember the first time I saw powerlessness
a faceless person in a mindless queue, I remember

I remember the first time I felt passion
a niggling feeling slowly awakening, I remember

I remember the first time I saw needless suffering
a forlorn mother cradling her child, I remember

I remember the first time I felt outraged
a life changing epiphany, I remember

Pastel on Handmade Paper

Pastel on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2016


Today’s prompt – to write a poem based on things you remember.