The House

outside non existent wind floats eerily
while inside the voices of years of memories whisper
in words only they understand
ages of sorrowful secrets kept hidden will remain untold
a sacred pact conspired with and sanctioned by time

and I lie here in my bed listening
but hear nothing
just the wooden walls breathing
and creaking their private language

Digital Drawing

Digital Drawing

© Dawn Whitehand 2015

Eulogy for a Buddy

its quieter
without you here
and colder
there is an emptiness
a silent echo
resounding through the house

the moist ground
where once you lay
your final resting place
mother earth enveloping you
in a final warm embrace

RIP Eddy xx

Charcoal Pencil on Handmade Paper

Charcoal Pencil on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2015


The Darkness

it grows
a dark tangled clot
a malignant tumour
rotting my mind
devouring my soul

Digital Drawing

Digital Drawing

© Dawn Whitehand 2015


A Christmas Poem

sparkling bright
blue green and white
bursting feast of light
wrapping the tree in delight
so that all that see it might
forget their everyday fright
for just a night
a happy plight

Happy Xmas to my fellow blog readers and likers and anybody else that may happen to stop by 🙂
digital drawing ©Dawn Whitehand 2014


it was revealed to me
the meaning of existence
we smile everyday
why we eventually die

and as I bled
and pushed
you out
my soul escaped

a survival mechanism?
protecting the pain?
a sanity saver?

then your cry called me back
as a rubber band twangs
obedience mindlessly resentless

so imprisoned in my body again
I search desperately for what I know
I knew but now forget

Pastel on handmade Paper

Pastel on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2013

Day One Hundred and Seventy Eight: 17th January 2013

blood spilt thin
ruby red sapphires
hard white tiles
blank empty canvas
abstract falling swirls
pollock like splashes
vision blurred gasping
destitute life ended

Acrylic Paint on Handmade Paper

Acrylic Paint on Handmade Paper

Day One Hundred and Sixty Six: 5th January 2013

Though you speak to me,
I hear you not,
Your words blur,
And your face fades,
Until you are gone.

Pastel on Handmade Paper

Pastel on Handmade Paper

Day One Hundred and Forty One: 11th December 2012

my mind was full
when you beckoned me
a false promise luring
but instead leaving
no room to think
no where to create

Nowhere: pencil on paper

Nowhere: pencil on paper

Day One Hundred and Thirty Eight: 8th December 2012

the yellow lights were dim in the place
where you sat in the empty corner
on a green chair hard
listening to 80’s music too loud
drowned out by intoxicated voices competing

and i watched you watching
wondering why…

Why: charcoal on handmade paper

Why: charcoal on handmade paper