
in the dead of night

the clock ticks eternal
relentless ever louder

tick tock tick tock

mimicking the dripping tap
thundering in the empty sink

drip drop drip drop

jarring my edged (un)nerves
gnawing at my frayed (in)sanity

eat sleep and be merry

invading my scattered (crazy)dreams
a rigid marching (executing) army

left right left right

a masked firing squad kneeling
steady ready aim fire


Wax on Handmade paper

Wax on Handmade paper

© Dawn Whitehand

Spring Rain

Lying on my back
staring upward
mouth open
big bulbous droplets
silver streaks
slide across my face
warm wetness
enveloping my body
dissolves my winter cocoon
and I explode

Digital Drawing

Digital Drawing

© Dawn Whitehand

A Love Poem

the earth was flat
when first we met
under cloak of dark
and forbidden passion grew
tainted by jealous eyes

so we jumped from the earth’s edge

holding hands in desperation
so as to awake together
unfetid in the next life

many long centuries pass
and the cliff still stands
but the earth now round
a never-ending spinning orb



like our love

Pastel on Handmade Paper

Pastel on Handmade Paper
















© Dawn Whitehand 2013

Ode to Virginia Woolf

slowly submerging
swirl upward
caressingly gray

a protective shield
barricading reality
uncertainty hidden

I breathe
oxygen bubbles
gone forever

eyes bulging

ears popping

my body
slowly sinks

Tinted Charcoal and Coloured Pencil on Handmade Paper

Tinted Charcoal and Coloured Pencil on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2013

It was a Rainy Morning…

rain sheets drape, softly
enveloping tree tops, glistening
leaves dazzling silver, shining
glare my eyes, squinting
furrowing my brow, deepening
sorrow a knot, churning
desperately seeking answers, none

Wax on Handmade Paper

Wax on Handmade Paper
















© Dawn Whitehand 2013

Who is my Friend?

illogical ranting
spews forth
from a pop up window

a diatribe of vitriol

shockingly arrogant

arrogantly shocking

true colours exposed

the only option

tap a single key


or unfriend

Manipulated Digital Photograph

Manipulated Digital Photograph

© Dawn Whitehand 2013