The Silence of Domestic Violence

he may hear you
and use it against you

listen and learn
knowledge is your only weapon

watch and observe
learn his patterns and habits

pack up your things
and quietly tiptoe away


Conte on Handmade Paper

Conte on Handmade Paper


© Dawn Whitehand 2015

A Gray Day

the sky is gray
whilst you walk away
disappearing into the fray
with my feelings you play
moulding them like clay
on any other day
it would be okay
but please not while we’re gay

Computer Enhanced Conte Digital Drawing

© Dawn Whitehand 2015



a chill tingles upward
possessing my bones
lonely aching
missing bright sunny days
spent with you
gently laughing
warm squidgy sand tickling
a fading memory
echoing hollow

Pastels on Handmade paper

Pastels on Handmade paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2015


wild wind whistled
while wispy wishes
whispered woeful wails

halting heinous hailing
hurriedly hurting horribly
however hauling happiness

and another arrow
announced agony again
arguing angry angst

thinking theories thoroughly
thoughts thrashed thickly
throwing thunder through

Wax & Newspaper on Handmade Paper - digitally manipulated

Wax & Newspaper on Handmade Paper – digitally manipulated

© Dawn Whitehand 2014