
you weren’t there
when I looked over my shoulder
and discovered the place
where your shadow used to be

dazed and confused
I lay down feeling the ground
where once you stood
as if to conjure you back

but I’m too late

gone forever you will always be

Dawn Whitehand Abstract Art

© Dawn Whitehand 2014


still warm
crumpled sheets
your smell

jazz tunes
softly humming
your taste

cozy blankets
snuggling deeper
I lay

Water Soluble Ink Block on Handmade Paper

Water Soluble Ink Block on Handmade Paper


















© Dawn Whitehand 2014



I saw you standing there
yesterday on the corner
collar up
hunched stiffly against the howling wind
whipping through trees
pulling at your hair
shiny black

I saw you standing there
yesterday waiting for me
patiently toe tapping
traffic passing by busily preoccupied
secure in pre-ordained destinations

I saw you standing there

and abruptly turned away

Conte on Handmade Paper

Conte on Handmade Paper


















© Dawn Whitehand 2014

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) *

cold rain
icicles dagger like
prickling my skin
piercing my veins
an endless trauma
enveloping my heart
saturating my soul
a merciless scourge
winter torment

Dawn Whitehand abstract art SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder

Wax on Handmade paper


















© Dawn Whitehand 2014

*SAD – Seasonal Affectice Disorder is often associatd with Winter : here is a research starting point from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_affective_disorder

No More Tomorrows

imminent death

I know the hour
the exact minute

nervously I anticipate
my heart pounding


the final glimpse of red
the final waft of warmth
the final tinkle of laughter
the final tang of spice
the final caress of you

my final gasp of breath

Pastels on Handmade Paper

Pastels on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2014

On Growing Old…

exhaustion seeps in
weary bones consumed
wasted muscles lax
forgotten memories continue foraging
scratching the very marrow of my soul
twilight years beckon
the applause stops
lifes curtains close
the cycle begins again
beckoning an empty stage of tomorrows tears

Pastel on Handmade Paper

Pastel on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2014

Way Too Busy to Write Poetry :-(

Some regular readers may know that besides being a ‘poet’ i am also a visual artist, and maintain another blog about those shenanigans here: https://dawnwhitehand.wordpress.com/

But to address the point of this post …. I am sssooo behind on poetry posts because my visual arts life has exploded somewhat in the past couple of months & I have a multitude of projects that have occupied every breathing moment (besides the head cold I got in between) of my creative life …. these projects include:

Mums & Bubs

Birthday Partys

Coffee Cups

Book Launch


Birds Beasts and Butterflys Group Exhibition – an upcoming event, I don’t have a post about this as yet

This may not seem like much on paper but these projects have occupied my already chaotic head to the point of implosion – but on the bright side I guess that will make for some good poetry fodder in the coming months….

(the only thing that has kept me sane -from a ‘writing’ perspective – is putting pen to paper when writing Artists Statements)

So, don’t despair, I have not exited ‘stage left’…. i am just temporarily preoccupied…. or something along those lines 🙂

And just to prove it, here’s a drawing…I’ll write a poem to go with it soon 🙂

Dawn Whitehand - Abstract Art

© Dawn Whitehand 2014


The Monster under the Bed is in my Head

dark and deceptive
it (I) emerges at night
parting the heavy curtains
of my Mahogany dreams
unwelcomely hovering
cumbersomely weightless
a floating scourge
pecking at my (own) soul
relentless in its (my) pain
too elusive to grasp
visiting incessantly
since childhood

Fine Liner on Handmade Paper

Fine Liner on Handmade Paper

© Dawn Whitehand 2014